Partners & Sponsors
UKGrantmaking is a collaborative project brought to you by:
360Giving helps funders publish open data about their grants and supports people to use this data to improve charitable giving. The vision is for grantmaking in the UK to become more informed, effective and strategic.
360Giving’s aim is for more money to go to where it is needed most to support communities and causes through a more informed understanding of the grantmaking picture. It helps people to access and use the data by creating the tools to make it easy to explore, download and visualise, as well as providing training, support and research to help people get the most out of it.
360Giving is the lead for this collaboration and manages the platform and data.
Pears Foundation
Pears Foundation is an independent family foundation rooted in Jewish values, investing over £20 million each year in a wide range of charitable organisations and causes. Led by the Pears family, the Foundation’s activities are focused on understanding complex issues, engaging people in achieving social progress and promoting wellbeing.
Pears Foundation has supported this project to build on the previous Family Foundation Philanthropy and Foundation Giving Trends analysis which it has funded and contributed to since 2008.
Association of Charitable Foundations
The Association of Charitable Foundations (ACF) is the leading membership association for foundations and independent grant-makers in the UK. ACF strengthens trusts and foundations so they can rise to the challenges of our times. Their vision is of diverse, vibrant and effective foundations, working together for social good.
ACF is the lead contributor on the foundation giving section. -
Association of Charitable Organisations
The Association of Charitable Organisations (ACO) is the umbrella membership body for benevolent charities and grantmakers to individuals. ACO enables members to benefit from the collective expertise, experience and resources of benevolent/grant-making charities across their network to address common issues and develop shared solutions.
ACO is the lead contributor on the grants to individuals section. -
UK Community Foundations
UK Community Foundations (UKCF) is the membership body for 47 accredited community foundations which cover every postcode of the UK, and four international members in Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey and Bermuda. Collectively, the UKCF network has invested over £1.6 billion into local groups and organisations that are tackling the biggest issues facing communities today.
UKCF is the lead contributor on the community foundations section.
London Funders
London Funders is the only cross-sector membership network for funders and investors in London’s civil society. They are uniquely placed to enable funders from all sectors to be effective. It is the only place that brings together public, private and independent funders to build a better London by taking action on what matters to the city and its communities.
London Funders is the lead contributor on the London focus section.
UKGrantmaking is supported by:
We are the UK’s largest charity fund manager*, looking after more than 30,000 charities and not-for-profit organisations. Founded in 1958, we are independently owned by our clients and staff with £14.5 billion of assets under management as at 31 March 2024.
All of our charitable clients are established to do some good in the world. Our purpose is to help them maximise their impact on society by harnessing the power of investment markets.
We are working with our clients and the investment industry towards a new era of sustainable investment – pushing for change on the climate crisis, addressing modern slavery and other human rights injustices, and engaging with companies regarding the mental health of their Workforces.
CCLA Investment Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
*Charity Finance named CCLA as the number one asset manager for charities in the UK in 2021, 2022 and 2023.