Archived analysis
This is an archived version of analysis from a previous year.
Using data provided by grantmakers who publish data using the 360Giving format, we can explore the types of organisations that receive grant funding.
Not all recipients can be identified – there are around 20,000 grants where the type of recipient is unknown. This could mean that the organisation is too small to have a registered charity number or other registration, but it also includes those organisations where the funder has not recorded or published their registration number.
Most of the figures on this page relate to registered charities, who are the recipients of 45% of grants in our 2021-22 corpus. Nearly 22,000 unique registered charities have been identified as receiving a grant in 2021-22.
Size of grant recipients
Where grant recipients are charities, we can use data from the Charity Commission register to look at the size of organisations that have received grants. The most common grant recipient size is charities with an annual income between £100,000 and £1 million.
Grant recipient country
For charity recipients, the majority of grants (83%) were received in England, with 13% received in Scotland. By grantmaker segment, Member/Trade Funded grantmakers gave a higher than proportional amount to Wales, and Corporate Foundations gave 20% of their funding to Scotland. Fundraising grantmakers also gave more money to Northern Ireland and Wales, compared to the average of all recipients.
Grant recipient communities served
Comparing all recipients to all charities, there are proportionally more grants for disabled people and other groups, and proportionally fewer for older people and other charities. When comparing all recipients to specific segments, Government provides more grants to the general public, and Fundraising Grantmakers provide more grants to Children & Young People and Disabled People, and fewer to the general public.
Grant recipient themes
Comparing all recipients to all charities, there are proportionally more grants for health, disability, and community development, and proportionally fewer for the environment and religious activities. When comparing all recipients to specific segments, Government provides more grants for community development, arts, and the environment. Member/Trade Funded and Fundraising Grantmakers provide fewer grants to arts.
Who funds with who?
Number of grants received
Recipients with a large number of grants received tend to be universities, housing associations and other large institutions.
Recipient legal form
The largest group of recipients is registered charities, who are the recipients of 45% of grants in our 2021-22 corpus, and 33% of the total grant amount. The second largest group is universities, who are the recipient of 6% of grants but 20% of the total grant amount.